Finally I made to my final semester ( 3rd of 3rd) of study as Diploma 4 LJ student at PENS, and that's mean: Final Project Time! After considering a lot kind of topics (including FPGA and Wireless Sensor Network that seems prety cool subject ^^), I decided to make an Indonesian Sign Language Glove.
Here is the current version..
The Bill of Material of this thing is as follows:
5 pcs x 4.5" Flex Sensor = 5 x Rp165.000,- = Rp825.000,-
1 pcs x Arduino Nano (Clone) = Rp180.000,-
Connectors and cables = Rp 50.000,-
1 pcs x MMA7360 Accelerometer = Rp135.000,- +
Total cost = Rp1.190.000,-
The Glove was found in other final project labs, so it was taken for free :-)
At the end of this project, I hope it can be use to translate the Alphabets and Numbers trough the hand gesture and movement. The Indonesia's sign language is in common with the American Sign Language in their Alphabets and Numbers.
Here is the current version..
The Bill of Material of this thing is as follows:
5 pcs x 4.5" Flex Sensor = 5 x Rp165.000,- = Rp825.000,-
1 pcs x Arduino Nano (Clone) = Rp180.000,-
Connectors and cables = Rp 50.000,-
1 pcs x MMA7360 Accelerometer = Rp135.000,- +
Total cost = Rp1.190.000,-
The Glove was found in other final project labs, so it was taken for free :-)
At the end of this project, I hope it can be use to translate the Alphabets and Numbers trough the hand gesture and movement. The Indonesia's sign language is in common with the American Sign Language in their Alphabets and Numbers.