Memories. Something that should left behind. far away.
But for that part of memories, i've tried to let it settle, but it just look settle on the surface.
Deep inside, somehow, I felt that those part is uncomplete.
Think about this, i feel my head got headache.
I don't know how to cure that. I think I need to tell someone to share my burden.
But, I have to keep my promise.
Sometimes, I do feel so light, so bright, so close to my God.
Sometimes, I can't imagine how mucky i was, I can't get over myself, Conquered by lust.
When I think about this, my chest are hurts, breathless that can't be explained.
Ah... Ya Allah. Forgive me. Let me do repent before you took my time in this world.
Archive for 2012
The Indonesia Sign Language Glove Bill of Materials
Finally I made to my final semester ( 3rd of 3rd) of study as Diploma 4 LJ student at PENS, and that's mean: Final Project Time! After considering a lot kind of topics (including FPGA and Wireless Sensor Network that seems prety cool subject ^^), I decided to make an Indonesian Sign Language Glove.
Here is the current version..
The Bill of Material of this thing is as follows:
Here is the current version..
The Bill of Material of this thing is as follows:
Installasi Android pada FriendlyARM Mini2440 + LCD2VGA
Salam Eldevtronics !
Kali ini kita akan mencoba menginstal OS Android (1.5 CupCakes) pada board embedded Mini2440 yang dilengkapi dengan modul konverter display ke VGA monitor. Sebenarnya yang kita lakukan nantinya hanyalah menyesuaikan pengaturan display pada kernel (modifikasi kernel) dari kernel yang sudah ada (hehehe.. belum bisa buat sendiri^^).
Proses Instalasi dilakukan dalam dua OS yang berbeda yaitu Windows dan Linux. Saya menggunakan Linux(Ubuntu 10.10) untuk melakukan editing kernel dan file system serta kompilasi kernel dan membuat zImage file sistemnya, kemudian di Windows XP, menggunakan tool software yang sudah disediakan oleh FriendlyARM yaitu DNW.exe dan HyperTerminal kita tinggal upload ke board Mini2440,
Oke Sudah Siap?
Lets mix the Android and ARM !
Posted in
Embedded Linux,
Tentukan Pilihan : Apa nama Embel-embel saya?
Sadarkah kita, bahwa setiap dari kita punya EMBEL-EMBEL dimata orang lain, sebagai kata keterangan yang mengikuti diri kita di mata orang lain. mungkin embel-embel itu bisa mengikuti tempat dimana kita bekerja, keahlian yang kita miliki, ataupun organisasi yang kita ikuti.
lihat saja beberapa daftar nomor telepon,
tidak sedikit ada beberapa nama
seperti :
Fery Programer
Agus Servis AC
Dedy Foto
Didi Kompas
Heri jahit
Bakul Galon (eh ini ngikut..)
Nah, saya mencoba menghubungkan embel-embel ini dalam ranah kemampuan atau keahlian, bukan pengetahuan saja, tapi keahlian, suatu hal yang kita paham atasnya. kata sifat yang sering dikaitkan dalam pengertian ini adalah EXPERT. menjadi expert!
lihat saja beberapa daftar nomor telepon,
tidak sedikit ada beberapa nama
seperti :
Fery Programer
Agus Servis AC
Dedy Foto
Didi Kompas
Heri jahit
Bakul Galon (eh ini ngikut..)
Nah, saya mencoba menghubungkan embel-embel ini dalam ranah kemampuan atau keahlian, bukan pengetahuan saja, tapi keahlian, suatu hal yang kita paham atasnya. kata sifat yang sering dikaitkan dalam pengertian ini adalah EXPERT. menjadi expert!
Install Supervivi back on Mini2440 after accidentaly overwrited with StartOS
Share pengalaman saya waktu nguprek ARM920T, Mini2440 dari FriendlyARM, sok bahasa inggris ^^, padahal grammar e amburadul :p,
Daily Notes:
Saturday, October 29, 2011
I’ve made wrong decision by replacing the supervivi on the NOR Flash with StartOS, the effect is when the board powered on in the NOR switch selected, the Board buzzer was rang once and then nothing happened. So, i made my own summary that there was nothing to do with this StartOS and I want my Supervivi back on the NOR Flash.
Just like the previous steps i run the H-JTAG dan H-JTAG Flasher with the configuration from (“JTAGing the NOR e-book”) but there was error message : Can’t download driver to specified address.
So, I googling on that keywords…. and after nearly 3 hours the problem is solved
by following the solution from this topic of FriendlyARM forum :
Hm.. I was so scare if the NOR can’t be back again with supervivi inside it. Nice experience.
Daily Notes:
Saturday, October 29, 2011
I’ve made wrong decision by replacing the supervivi on the NOR Flash with StartOS, the effect is when the board powered on in the NOR switch selected, the Board buzzer was rang once and then nothing happened. So, i made my own summary that there was nothing to do with this StartOS and I want my Supervivi back on the NOR Flash.
Just like the previous steps i run the H-JTAG dan H-JTAG Flasher with the configuration from (“JTAGing the NOR e-book”) but there was error message : Can’t download driver to specified address.
So, I googling on that keywords…. and after nearly 3 hours the problem is solved
by following the solution from this topic of FriendlyARM forum :
Hm.. I was so scare if the NOR can’t be back again with supervivi inside it. Nice experience.
Posted in
Embedded Linux,
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